The recruit from Noyabrsk got oluchivshy terrible chemical burns of the person and a body
In a staff of East military district long time tried to hide the scandalous incident which has happened with the conscript soldier from Noyabrsk, serving in the city of Lesozavodsk of Primorsky Krai. Nikita together with six colleagues by order of lieutenant Hvostov went on car loading "KAMAZ". That in canisters there is a sulfuric acid, the lieutenant decided to hold back.
Olympic flame will carry by across Yamal
to Yamal dropped out honor to receive the national Relay race of Olympic flame of the XXII Olympic winter Games of 2014 first in the history of Russia. Relay race of Olympic flame will stay on Yamal one day and will take place in New Urengoy and Salekhard. Now actively there is a preparation for the forthcoming action...
The chief Novourengoysky mails became the owner of one million
1 million rubles – were won by the participant of draw of monetary prizes among employees of branches of Russian Post Federal State Unitary Enterprise so much. The young chief of post office received the Certificate of the manager («the Certificate 2») because in its submission there is the worker responsible for realization of a lottery.
The employee of PPS of Salekhard made the road accident, one person was lost, three suffered
UMVD Press service across the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug reports that road accident occurred on Sunday early in the morning in Salekhard. The employee of PPS was not on work and in civil clothes. Operating Volkswagen Passat and carrying out overtaking, the employee of PPS left on an oncoming lane where there was a collision with Toyota Corona.
In the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug there will pass the III International Arctic forum "The Arctic - the dialogue territory"
Management of a federal mail service of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug – Russian Post Federal State Unitary Enterprise branch the Arctic - the dialogue territory" which will pass in the Congress the center Salekhard will organize ceremony of clearing of the postcards devoted by III international to the Arctic forum ". Action is carried out under the aegis of Russian geographical society (RGO).
In the Krasnoselkupsky area the barge with motor transport sank
Investigatory department of the Krasnoselkupsky area of investigatory management of Investigatory committee of the Russian Federation of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug on September 12 at 06 o'clock 27 minutes is registered by img incident that on 337 km of the river Basin, below on a current from the village Krasnoselkup the MP-285 barge, loaded motor transport sank.
The inspector of linear point of 8 years served without having educations
In the last Russia literally were overflowed some years by a wave of the loud dismissals connected with counterfeit diplomas. Didn't become an exception and Yamal where since the beginning of year for this reason some people were dismissed already, and the certificate fake about leaving school causes at least bewilderment.
It is summed up the V International competition of a park sculpture «North Legend»
Labytnangtsa celebrated 144 City Day of Seven larches. Generations, persons and eras, events and traditions — are pages of history of our great country. In the sculptural compositions participants of a festival competition should reflect a subject «Legendary Arctic». All competitive works are transferred by masters in gift to the city of Labytnangi. 15 sculptures become now an ornament of its streets.
- • КриминалВ Губкинском ученик выстрелил из пневматического пистолета• ТранспортАвиакомпания «Ямал» вдвое увеличила норму бесплатного провоза багажа для участников СВО• ТранспортОсенью запустят новые пункты весогабаритного контроля• ТранспортЯмальцы экономят на авиапутешествиях с картой «Морошка»
- • ОбразованиеСтудентам из кочевых семей компенсируют обучение в вузе• ОбразованиеШкольников Ямала ждут на образовательном интенсиве по программированию• КультураПри поддержке Ямала на побережье Черного моря отдохнут дети из ДНР• КультураМуравленко, Губкинский и Тарко-Сале отмечают Дни городов
- • Новость одной строкойДмитрий Артюхов встретился с участниками юбилейного форума «Российский Север»• Новость одной строкойНа Ямале внедряют систему «Умный перекресток»• Новость одной строкойПоликлиника в Пурпе получит новые возможности благодаря масштабной модернизации• Новость одной строкойДмитрий Артюхов вручил северянкам медали «Материнская слава Ямала»• Новость одной строкойСлужба занятости населения со следующего года запустит проект по комплексному подбору кадров• Новость одной строкойСергей Климентьев и Любовь Таскаева обсудили помощь военнослужащим и их родным• Новость одной строкойПочти 47 тонн макулатуры собрали ямальцы в рамках всероссийской акции «БумБатл»• Новость одной строкойУже в следующем году пройти МРТ северяне смогут во всех ямальских городах• Новость одной строкойМолодежь Нового Уренгоя будет изготавливать на 3D-принтерах детали для дронов
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