The recruit from Noyabrsk got oluchivshy terrible chemical burns of the person and a body
In a staff of East military district long time tried to hide the scandalous incident which has happened with the conscript soldier from Noyabrsk, serving in the city of Lesozavodsk of Primorsky Krai.
Information on this incident which has happened in army at the end of September of this year, became known only last week after the crippled soldier could contact the relatives and tell them the truth that occurred to it. The story of the soldier together with photos was laid out on the page of "VKontakte" by his sister Darya Akishina.
According to the girl, Nikita Akishin was called up for military service in December of last year. The guy sent in Primorsky Krai where by the time of incident it served nearly 8 months. On September 27 this year Nikita together with six colleagues by order of lieutenant Hvostov went on car loading "KAMAZ". The military personnel should transfer from a warehouse and to ship in the truck of 8 canisters - seven 10-liter and one 25-liter, whose contents till the last moment remained secret for the conscript soldiers. That in them there is the sulfuric acid, the lieutenant directing works on the unknown reason decided to hold back.
As to soldiers it was not given out any special regimentals of chemical protection and them didn't instruct according to safety measures, guys decided that in canisters there is a diesel fuel. Nikita dressed in usual a vest and trousers, took the big canister. On the way to the car the capacity with acid blew up directly at it in hands, Darya reports.
Having got the strongest chemical burns, Nikita fell to the ground and began to ask, that to it caused ambulance. But lieutenant Hvostov ordered to colleagues to wash the companion in a pool and to come back to works. After that, according to Darya, it was offered to her brother «to run by a part and to catch a wind that it was not so sick».
Only in two hours after to Nikita it became absolutely bad, the lieutenant made the decision to bring it to hospital. But not in military hospital, and in usual rural hospital where Tails brought the serviceman on the privately owned vehicle, having presented it as the relative arrived to it on a visit and casually had a shower bath acid. On a question of doctors of documents, the senior on a rank answered that they aren't present, as they are given on an exchange.
By estimates of doctors, Nikita Akishin got chemical burns about 20 % of a surface of a body, including the person, a neck, a thorax and the right hand. Within a week of soldiers was in the hospital as the civilian without documents. Only on October 1 it could contact mother and tell it about an event. According to him, lately anybody from a part so to it also didn't arrive.
On October 5 the serviceman was transferred to branch «301 district military clinical hospital» to the Ministry of Defence of Russia in Ussuriisk. But, as it became clear, tortures of the soldier and his family on it didn't end. Now the young man is in reanimation. Darya writes that in military hospital of her brother «pinned up unclear than, he delirious, native doesn't recognize mother».
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