New victories of Labytnangsky dancing collective "Palette"

Labytnangsky exemplary dancing collective "Palette" has returned to a city with new victories. In St.-Petersburg passed III All-Russia festival-competition of arts for children and youth «Christmas» which has united an order of five hundred participants.

"Palette" has acted successfully: younger and average groups in a nomination «National dance» became winners of I degree, the senior group has won Grand prix. Competition juries are highly appreciated also solo performances лабытнангских children. Bogdan Sidorenko has won the main prize — Grand prix, Diana Karchava became the winner of I degree. In a nomination «Small forms» Darya Ostaptsova and Nikita Tsyganov — winners of II degree.

Together with "Palette" the city of Labytnangi was represented by executors of a vocal. In a nomination "Amateur performer" Evgenie Zhilin became the winner of I degree, and Nikita Karpov became the student of competition.

Special diplomas award heads of exemplary dancing ensemble "Palette" Love of Sakal, Elena Avramenko and Natalia Denishchenko, for preparation for festival-competition of young vocalists — Marina Golovina and Svetlana Hmeleva.

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