Labytnangsky meteoric shower

Within three days in a culture town house it was populous. The fourteenth festival of children's and youthful creativity "North star" has collected under the firmament of 85 participants at the age from five years to 21 years. Two competitive days have been filled by excitement, creativity, shine of suits and an unceasing applause of spectators. 112 competitive numbers were estimated by professional jury under the chairmanship of the head of collective «Syoyotej Yamal» Dianas Perevezentsevoj. The festival has come to the end with gala concert from the brightest numbers. Organizers notice that this year there were many numbers of a patriotic orientation, and still competition it has turned out rather international. Spectators with special warmth accepted songs and dances of nations of the world.

Diana Perevezentseva estimated for the first time talents. Special words of gratitude the chairman of jury has stated to organizers of festival for harmonious work. And still judges were amazed with quantity of sponsors. It is necessary to tell that rewarding of participants of festival only, the given sponsors, went without exaggeration of more half an hour. By results of festival-competition students of the third, second and first degree of a steel of 15 participants and 6 collectives. Ranks of winners are awarded in a nomination a vocal solo — Grigoriev Victoria, in a nomination a vocal ensembles — a duet Nikolay Litvinenko and Anna Korovin. In a nomination a choreography small forms winners became a duet Denis Litvinenko and Sofia Anishchenko and a three Igor Kovalyov, Maria Kara and Eliza Ljuft. Congratulating winners and all participants of festival, the chairman of jury Diana Perevezentseva has wished, that all young asterisks on a life the guiding star conducted to success.

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