«Mamontenok which have stiffened in time» has won a prize

«Mamontenok which have stiffened in time» has won a prize
On November, 29th in Moscow in the House of cinema of the Union of cinematographers of Russia the first International festival of not game cinema "Arctic regions" finished. At a closing ceremony there was a Governor of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region Dmitry Kobylkin.

Acting at ceremony of rewarding of winners of festival, the head of region Dmitry Kobylkin hasn'ted: «the Festival is very important not only for territories, but also for other countries of the world». The governor has reminded gathered about those people who «many years ago without any modern ice breakers and without GPRS-communication could come on the North and« to cut »the earth for our country – the earths on which today there live the remarkable people creating well-being of our Native land».

The head of region has expressed hope that the festival becomes traditional and will pass in two years in territory of Yamal – in Salekhard. Dmitry Kobylkin has thanked participants for the works given on competition and has wished creative successes.

Government JANAO became the founder of festival with financial support of "Gazpprombanka". We will remind, the festival was included into the program of Days of Yamal in Moscow, dated for the 80 anniversary of the Arctic region.

At festival film works of venerable and beginning authors, documentary and animation tapes, «full meter» and short films have been presented. From more than 90 works declared on festival, from above 40 have been admitted on competition. Spectators could look at 22 pictures.

The festival Grand prix were received by a picture "Polar explorer" of director Nikolay Volkova and Vladimir Strugatsky's div writer. The jury hasn'ted also the best director's work – «Welcome to Enurmino!» (The director – Alexey Vakhrushev, Russia, Moscow), the best work of the operator – "Njarma" (the director and a div writer Edgar Bartenev, Russia, St.-Petersburg) and a div writer – «the Ships of the stiffened seas» (the author of the scenario Wilhelm Gorbachev, Russia, St.-Petersburg).

Besides, special prizes of festival had been noted pictures:

In a nomination «Legend of Arctic regions» - a film "Njarma", in a nomination «Northern charm» - a film «Nenets calendar», in a nomination «Subdued by Arctic regions» - a film «Arctic regions. Fire» (Russia, ТК NTV). In a nomination «Arctic regions which has surprised us» with a festival prize isn'ted a picture «Russian pole» of director Boris Amarova and a div writer of Snezhany Krasinsky (Russia, Moscow), in a nomination «Polar animation» - «Put ravens», a div writer and director Vasily Korobov (Russia, Salekhard). The special prize «» has received creative collective For popularization of the Arctic territories from France. The French cinematographers have received the diploma of the Union of cinematographers of Russia.

In a nomination «Prize of the founder of festival» the prize of the Governor of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region of Dmitry Kobylkina has received a film «Mamontenok which have stiffened in time» of director Pierre Stina and a div writer of Tsiuffo (the USA, Los Angeles).

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