On Yamal I Russian festival of family cinema begins

From October, 6 till October, 9th the department of culture of autonomous region under patronage of the Governor of Yamal and with support of some regional departments spends I Russian festival of the family cinema "Manantosha" which president is the deserved actress of Russia Oksana Stashenko in Salekhard.
The festival is spent with a view of popularization of a domestic cinema, strengthening of the status of a family, moral family values, formation and development of interest young yamalpeoples to works of art of domestic motion picture arts.
The Festival program includes competitive and out-of-competition displays, creative meetings with actors and authors of films, master classes, opening ceremonies and closings of festival with participation of stars of the Russian cinema which will pass on the basis of the District Center of national cultures and in cultural-business center district capitals.
Within the limits of Festival in the cities of Salekhards and Labytnangi, and also in settlements Aksarka and Harp of Priuralsky area creative meetings and master classes of eminent cinematographers will take place: Natalias Bondarchuks, Svjatoslava Ushakov, Boris Grachevsky, Alexey Kotenochkina and Sergey Merinova's artists-animators, Vladislav Malakhov's script writer.
Seven domestic films have entered into competitive display, let out in 2010 and 2011: «Man's female game» Marias Mahanko, I "will not tell" Igor Kopylov, «the Silent outpost» Sergey Mahovikova, «Last game in dolls» George Negasheva, «the Saffron milk cap in the world behind the looking-glass» Elenas Turovoj, "At the crossroads" Vitaly Dudin, «Summer adventures desperate» Michael Slavsky and Vladimir Veselov. For an estimation of the presented films it is created two juries: adult and children's.
Into structure of the first have entered: the actress, the liveryman of actors of cinema of Russia of Evgenie Bordzilovsky, the deserved actress of RSFSR, the honored worker of arts of Russia Natalia Bondarchuk. The chairman – the director, the national actor of Russia Vsevolod Shilovsky. They should define winners of festival in nominations: «the Best film», «the Best woman's role», «the Best man's role».
Children's jury winners of district competition of school compositions «Our cinema» – Lilija Shakirzjanova (represent the item Tazovsky), Angela Nettina (with. Красноселькуп), Nikita Tchuprov (with. Hills), and also the author of the sketch of an emblem of a film festival, becoming frequent Children's school of arts of a city of Salekhard Natalia Korobchenko. The chairman of children's jury – young actor Alexander Siguev – known to spectators on roles in such films as «Poor Nastja», «Present to me life», «it is careful children!» And many other pictures. The children's jury defines winners in nominations «Best film» and «the Best children's role».
The works recognized as winners in nominations, are awarded by official prizes of Festival – figurines Big and Small Mamontosha and the diploma of the winner.
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