Are summed up the Yamal competition «Our cinema».

On March, 12th, in department of culture of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region are summed up III district competition of school compositions «Our cinema» by which theme in 2010 has been declared – «the Best domestic films on products of national and literary fairy tales». The founder of competition was the district department of culture. The competition purpose – propagation and popularisation of domestic cinema among schoolboys, formation of spiritually-moral bases and patriotism at rising generation of inhabitants of autonomous region.
On competition compositions of pupils of 7-11 classes from New Urengoja, Noyabrsk, Labytnangi, Tarko-fat, Krasnoselkupsky, Shuryshkarsky and Yamal areas have been presented. Most of all works has arrived from schoolboys of the city of Labytnangi.

By winners of competition of jury have been recognised:

- The winner of I degree:
1. Tchuprov Nikita, the pupil 9 classes of the Gorkovsky average comprehensive school, Shuryshkarsky area, with the composition on a theme «Listen about fairy tales from ларца, identical from the person»;

- The winner of II degree:
1. Korikova Ekaterina, becoming frequent 9-А a class of the Ovgortsky general educational boarding school of the average (full) general education, Shuryshkarsky area, with the composition on a theme "Film" of Morozko »– Russian, national …»;

- III degrees:
1. Bavrina Natalia, becoming frequent 11 classes of the Sejahinsky boarding school of the average (full) general education, the Yamal area, with the composition on a theme «Heroes of our time»;
2. Prihodko Julia, becoming frequent 9-Б a class of an average comprehensive school №5 »Labytnangi with the composition on a theme« Alenky a floret »as a symbol of hope, pride and love».

By special prize of department of culture of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region it will be awarded Tolmachyov Valery, becoming frequent 9-Б a class of the Tarko-Salinsky average comprehensive school №1, Purovsky area, with the composition on a theme «On a visit at a fairy tale».

«Okruzhnyj the Center of national cultures» will be awarded by special prizes GUK:

1. Volumes Alexey, the pupil 7-В class МОУ «SOSH UIP №3» Labytnangi with the composition on a theme «Best fairy tale»;
2. Taleeva Veronica, becoming frequent 7-А () a class of an average comprehensive school of №3 Labytnangi with the composition on a theme «My favourite film –"Morozko";
3. Yudin Alexander, becoming frequent 7-В a class of an average comprehensive school of №13 of Noyabrsk with the composition on a theme «My sights at achievements of Russian cinema».

Final action of competition – a meeting of the winner of competition of I degree and a popular film actor (actress) will take place on March, 27th in Salekhard. Besides, in the same terms carrying out of a creative meeting of the popular actor or the actress with young spectators of district capital with display of a film and rewarding of winners is planned.

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