Competition on 200 thousand defined the best teachers

Competition on 200 thousand defined the best teachers
The Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation D. V. Livanov signed the order On the approval of the list of winners of competition on receiving monetary encouragement by the best teachers (No. 513 from 03.07.2012). In the Yamal-Nenets district 5 teachers from the cities of Nadym and Noyabrsk, villages Samburg and Pangoda's settlement became winners.

This competition many teachers for fun call "Competition on 200 thousand", and teachers won competition and awarded monetary encouragement with "teachers-dvukhsottysyachnikami", but a competition essence not in money … The main thing, for teachers to show in internal round and documentary to prove in correspondence the personal level of teacher's skill, professional competence!

The list of winners of competition on receiving monetary encouragement
the best teachers in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

1. Valova Galina Vladislavovna, teacher of history and social science of municipal educational institution «High No. comprehensive school of 2 g of Nadym», Nadym area.

2. Kulishova Lyubov Ivanovna, teacher of Russian and literature of municipal educational institution «High No. comprehensive school of 4 g of Nadym», Nadym area.

3. Muravyeva Anna Myacheslavovna, teacher of chemistry of municipal state educational institution «Boarding school of the secondary (full) general education» of the village Samburg of the Purovsky area.

4. Nikulin Natalia Valeryevn, teacher of informatics and IKT of municipal educational institution «High comprehensive school No. 1 of the item of Pangoda», Nadym area.

5. Tkachuk Igor Viktorovich, the teacher of physics of municipal budgetary educational institution «High comprehensive school No. 10 with profound studying of physics and technical disciplines» municipality the city of Noyabrsk.

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