Exceptional children — the future of Russia

The school of a city of Gubkinsky Yamal-Nenets autonomous region is included in the encyclopaedia «Exceptional children — the future of Russia»

In the youngest city of Russia — in Gubkinsky, a city of oil industry workers and газовиков, the special correctional educational institution for trained «the Special (correctional) comprehensive school VII, VIII kinds» operates. It is the smallest and youngest school in a city, opened the doors on September, 1st, 1998.

Since 2002 the educational institution is headed by the skilled teacher, the deserved teacher of the Russian Federation of Valentine Vasilevna Zhuravlyov.

Winners of the All-Russia competition «Pedagogical innovations» and district competitions of methodical workings out became:

The teacher of biology and chemistry of Tikhonov V. R,
Teachers of initial classes — Borisov of Island В, Shutova S.A., Enikeeva G. A,
The teacher FROM Abukova N.M.,
Mathematics teacher Petrachuk E.V.

Now the school realises the development program on 2009 — 2013, which main objective — model creation «help Schools», directed on successful socialisation and social adaptation of pupils with the limited possibilities of health.

At school work 5 circles and associations in following directions: arts and crafts, vokalno-choral, sports-applied.

Pupils carry out socially-significant projects which repeatedly occupied prize-winning places in the All-Russia action «I is a citizen of Russia».

The educational institution stably takes high places in a monthly All-Russia rating of aesthetic education in establishments of social sphere. Thanks to creative and sports successes two schoolgirls — Jushaeva of Milan and Starovojtova Alexander — became owners of the grant of the mayor in 2008.

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