Talented children of the Yamal area are marked out in the encyclopedia

Talented children of the Yamal area are marked out in the encyclopedia
The Seyakhinsky boarding school is included in the encyclopedia «Exceptional children — the future of Russia»

On the bank of Ob Bay one of the best educational institutions of Far North of Russia — Seyakhinsky boarding school — the second house for children and teenagers from families of brigades of the reindeer breeders wandering on all territory of the Yamal area is located.

The history of establishment began in 1935 when in Seyakh's village local authorities made the decision to open some initial classes. In 1967 the boarding school passed to eight-year form of education, in 1977 his pupils began to receive senior secondary education.
The modern school small town — the three-storyed educational case and three inhabited cases, separate buildings of elementary school and a laundry — an original ornament of the village. There are 30 educational classes, methodical, language and social and pedagogical offices, a room of the psychological unloading, two sports, training and assembly halls, library. Pride of pedagogical collective and pupils — own videostudio equipped with the digital equipment.

«Intra school television — the project developed and realized still in 1996 by our children's organization «The republic of boys and little girls». Then children created the first film under the name «Parallel world» — director Irina Valeryevna Rezvina» tells.

More than 10 years at boarding school the local history museum in which interesting ancient exhibits are presented operates.
High quality of knowledge which are transferred to young inhabitants of Yamal by teachers and tutors, is confirmed with a number of victories at festivals and the subject Olympic Games of federal and regional levels. Establishment is awarded ranks of the winner of competitions «School of year», «School — the health territory». The Seyakhinsky boarding school is the owner of a presidential grant at a rate of one million rubles allocated within implementation of the priority national Education project.

The next release of the All-Russia encyclopedia «Exceptional children – the future of Russia» was published in May. Heroes of the encyclopedia are confirmed by public Advisory Council according to the recommendations received from the state departments of education, the encyclopedia reports «Exceptional children – the future of Russia» .

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