Keep Yamal for descendants

Tazovsky branch of Association «to Yamals-descendants!» Encyclopedia "Recognition" «the Best people of Russia» is included in a heading.

Presently general globalization the problem of preservation of cultural variety, in particular, national identity of small ethnoses, gets a special urgency. For trustees and active workers Tazovsky Association branch «to Yamals-descendants!» The motto «We in the answer for the future of the native earth» — it is not simple words, and a vital principle, stimulus to daily noble work.

Last years, thanks to Association activity «Yamal — to descendants!», the trip of pupils of Tazovsky boarding school on I International festival-competition of folklore ensembles within the limits of the project «Hope Coast» has taken place; laptops for children-invalids of area have been got, means for improvement of children with a tubercular intoxication are allocated, the special issue «the Yamal meridian» is let out, telecast release in a national language «Tasu Java» is carried out, there is a material support to needy citizens. Annually in carrying out of the Meeting of reindeer breeders, Day of the fisherman and Day of radical nations of the world the board awards the pensioners who have brought the considerable contribution to development of traditional branches of managing, preservation and culture development.

In a year of anniversary of branch, the President of district Association Alexander Evaj has noticed that for 20 years many public organizations were created, but few of them have remained. And public organization «to Yamals-descendants!» Lives and works. Thanking, first of all, to idea - protection of the rights and interests of the radical people. Thanks to that there are the people working on realization of this idea.


The Tazovsky regional branch of district public organization has been created more 20 years ago.
Since 2001 Maria Venikova supervises over branch. Together with trustees she should solve set of the most complicated questions, for example, such, as observance of the ground and nature protection legislation, settlement of conflict situations between aboriginals and the companies of an oil and gas complex, creation of conditions for support and development of a native language, training, employment and health protection of representatives of the small people of the North, rendering by it all-round social and legal aid.

In May of this year the encyclopedia «Best people of Russia» left within the limits of the new international project «Best people», which participants, except Russia, a steel Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. All heroes of the encyclopedia «Best people» are confirmed by public Advisory council. Editor-in-chief Anton Bruj repeatedly noticed that the success is not only personal, but also system, collective achievement. And participation in the project prestigiously also is honourable not only for the hero, but also for all region. Glorification of the best, successful people – region advancement!

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