On Yamal total session of working group of Public chamber of Russia has taken place.

On Yamal total session of working group of Public chamber of Russia has taken place.
On October, 10th, in Salekhard total session of working group of Public chamber of Russia on problems of development of the remote territories of the North and the Far East and working group of the Arctic council about pollution (ACAP) has taken place.

Let's remind that participants of the session which main task is maintenance of innovative development of northern regions, have visited villages Aksarka and Harsaim (Priuralsky area) where have examined diesel stations and have met experts of department of building and a housing-and-municipal complex of area. During the session which have passed in capital of Yamal, representatives of working group have discussed possibilities of development of alternative power in autonomous region and reduction of emissions in atmosphere.

Following the results of action participants have positively estimated activity of working group in district and have expressed hope of the further fruitful cooperation of Yamal and public organization within the limits of ecological and power saving up programs.

Let's remind that representatives of Association of the radical small people of the North, Siberia and the Far East, the Union of communities of the radical small people of the North and the Far East, Agency of environment of the USA took part in exit session, Northern ecological financial corporation, Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Arkhangelsk regional Meeting of deputies, Legislative Assembly of Nenets autonomous region, the Government and public organizations JANAO.

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