In Mys Kamenny, residents of two districts will be moved to new homes.
In the village of Mys Kamenny, Yamal district, residents of the ZGE and Airport districts will be relocated to new housing in the center by 2024. Now two houses with 44 apartments are being built for this purpose, and three more houses with 140 apartments are being designed. Previously, Cape Kamenny was the support base of the Polar geophysical expedition, so one of the areas is called ZGE. In addition, there are two more districts in the village: the Airport and the central one – Geologists.
In the village of Mys Kamenny, Yamal district, residents of the ZGE and Airport districts will be relocated to new housing in the center by 2024. Now two houses with 44 apartments are being built for this purpose, and three more houses with 140 apartments are being designed. Previously, Cape Kamenny was the support base of the Polar geophysical expedition, so one of the areas is called ZGE. In addition, there are two more districts in the village: the Airport and the central one – Geologists.
The fight for the environment unites
Volunteers from Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and the Czech Republic will take part in environmental expeditions in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District (YANAO). The volunteers will go on expeditions to the villages of Salemal and Seyakha, as well as to the island of Vilkitsky in the Kara Sea, the press service of the regional government reported.
Volunteers from Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and the Czech Republic will take part in environmental expeditions in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District (YANAO). The volunteers will go on expeditions to the villages of Salemal and Seyakha, as well as to the island of Vilkitsky in the Kara Sea, the press service of the regional government reported.
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