Construction of a scientific station and a tourist cluster in the Polar Urals

In the near future, the international scientific station "Snowflake"will be designed in Yamal. This was announced by the Governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District Dmitry Artyukhov in his Instagram account.

Construction of a scientific station and a tourist cluster in the Polar Urals

In the Polar Urals, where the station will be located, he visited together with the Minister of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic Alexey Chekunkov. The project is implemented jointly with the leading technical institute of the country — MIPT.

"The station will specialize in alternative energy sources, including hydrogen," Dmitry Artyukhov said.

In the near future, we also plan to create a full-fledged tourist cluster in the Polar Urals. Both initiatives, as the governor stressed, the head of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation fully approved.

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