"Hope" has come in Labytnangi
Recently at the state level many measures directed on social protection of invalids are undertaken. Nevertheless, problems with which citizens daily face the limited possibilities of health weight. Collectively to solve problems always it is easier, together and to live more interestingly, — all participants of the taken place meeting have agreed with this opinion concerning creation of public organisation of invalids, and to convince to unite it was necessary nobody.
Members лабытнангской the organisations will join numbers of regional public organisation of invalids "Hope". Earlier have in the same way arrived and Harpmens. «We have united to solve problems not to ourselves, and to help another, and we build all work on rendering of the individual help by the addressed. At everyone a circle of the problems: the help in the decision of a housing question is necessary to someone, sanatorium treatment is necessary for another, the third requires legal consultation. Our organisation renders the big psychological help to people», — has noted the chairman of the regional organisation Nadezhda Mikituha. By the same principle members of local branch will work.
Have to begin with generated structure of board from 6 persons. Everyone with support of other members of the organisation will incur a certain direction of activity of the organisation, connected with employment, maintenance with medical products, development of adaptive sports, all-round aid rendering маломобильным to members of the organisation. On the control all questions which have sounded during this first meeting are taken.
Members лабытнангской the organisations will join numbers of regional public organisation of invalids "Hope". Earlier have in the same way arrived and Harpmens. «We have united to solve problems not to ourselves, and to help another, and we build all work on rendering of the individual help by the addressed. At everyone a circle of the problems: the help in the decision of a housing question is necessary to someone, sanatorium treatment is necessary for another, the third requires legal consultation. Our organisation renders the big psychological help to people», — has noted the chairman of the regional organisation Nadezhda Mikituha. By the same principle members of local branch will work.
Have to begin with generated structure of board from 6 persons. Everyone with support of other members of the organisation will incur a certain direction of activity of the organisation, connected with employment, maintenance with medical products, development of adaptive sports, all-round aid rendering маломобильным to members of the organisation. On the control all questions which have sounded during this first meeting are taken.
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