Session of the interdepartmental commission on preventive maintenance of offences in JANAO has taken place

In a videoconference mode session of the interdepartmental commission on preventive maintenance of offences in JANAO has taken place. Representatives of the departments entering into system of preventive maintenance, representatives have taken part In discussion of questions from all municipal unions of district which are responsible for the organisation of preventive work on places. The assistant to governor JANAO Stanislav Kazarez heads work of the commission.

From discussion of the preventive actions spent within the limits of preparation for elections, have passed to discussion of one of the most problem questions: алкоголизации the population. It is noticed that alcohol overconsumption has got menacing character. Under supervision of the Yamal narcologists there are 8269 persons, suffering alcoholic dependence, 25 % from total number of patients make women. Unfortunately, among abusing minor children are spirits.

To limit on time access to alcoholic production — one of the measures directed on struggle against drunkenness. The offer again has sounded to address to deputies of the State Duma of Russia with the offer to carry beer to alcoholic production that further with большей efficiency to resist to distribution of a beer alcoholism. In a root to solve a situation not probably without realisation of the state antialcoholic policy representing a complex of the diversified actions. Public men should be involved in work and mass media.

Preventive maintenance of recurrent criminality, social adaptation of the citizens released from places of imprisonment also on the agenda of session of the commission. Within last year were released from establishments of execution of punishments of 776 persons. 67 it was necessary to solve housing questions, 112 persons required employment. Now in colonies try to give bases of a professional knowledge and abilities. Before management УФСИН the Russian Federation on JANAO a task in view to expand the list of the working specialities claimed by the Yamal labour market. It is necessary to think of encouragement of the employers giving workplaces for the former condemned.

During session the assistant to the head of administration of a city Ljubov Harunenko has presented an operational experience with the citizens released from places of imprisonment. Problems are similar: someone is not waited any more by the houses, work is necessary to some, others require treatment. Employees of city Department of internal affairs, the Center of employment of the population are connected to preventive work, experts of department of a housing policy of the City administration, representatives of the public are if necessary connected.

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