In the City administration session of the commission on preventive maintenance of offenses МО Noyabrsk has taken place.

Conditions in territory МО Noyabrsk and measures on prevention and timely suppression of negative tendencies has reported on a condition and dynamics the deputy chief of the Department of Internal Affairs – chief МОБ the Department of Internal Affairs across Noyabrsk Alexander Ostapenko.

In 2010 in the city territory 1939 crimes are registered. In 2009 - 1637. Growth of criminal encroachments, according to Alexander Ostapenko has occurred basically at the expense of the crimes which are within the competence of militia of public safety (theft, swindle, causing of physical injuries). The lecturer notes high enough level of the crimes made in public places – growth following the results of 10 months has made 37,7 %. But for today thanks to the accepted Departments of Internal Affairs to measures, the positive tendency to decrease in number of made crimes of the specified category is observed.

The question connected with work of division on affairs of minors has separately been considered. Now on the account of this structural division of the Department of Internal Affairs 280 teenagers consist. Special concern is caused by the facts of leaving of minors from the house and stay of children till 16 years after 22.00 in public places without parents. Without attention of committee-men there were no also questions of preventive maintenance of road and transport incidents, and also infringements of the administrative legislation.

Further reports of heads of social establishments with constant stay of people have been heard: MOU children's home "Family" and MU «the Socially-rehabilitation center for minors"Harmony"in which questions of maintenance of safe work, technical have been mentioned.

The decision to provide in 2011 financing on restoration of round-the-clock professional protection of children's home "Family" and МУ «the Socially-rehabilitation center for minors« Harmony »became a session result. Besides, to management of social protection of the population of the City administration with a view of preventive maintenance of family trouble, the prevention of the grave crimes made because of social relations, it is entrusted to consider the problem and prepare the information on expediency of creation on the basis of MU« SRCN "Harmony" of a room of mother and the child.

And the Department of Internal Affairs across Noyabrsk is recommended to speed up preventive and explanatory work with the population for the purpose of attraction of citizens for the help of militia on a voluntary basis. And also the wish is stated more actively to shine in mass-media activity of the Department of Internal Affairs on struggle against criminality, preventive maintenance of offenses and propagation of a legislative way of life.

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