Labytnangi against a narcotism
In a videoconference mode session of the district antinarcotic commission has taken place. Modern technologies have allowed to become participants of session to members of all city and regional antinarcotic commissions. The narcological situation and a narcocriminality condition in autonomous region are discussed. The situation disturbs: 92 % from total of the narcodependent are made by citizens at the age from 20 till 39 years. 33 % from total sick of glue sniffing — citizens of the same age category. The overwhelming majority is made by men. It is noticed that the data диспансерного the account shows dynamics of decrease in quantity sick of a narcotism, but the reason is covered in unwillingness narcodependent to receive treatment, being on the account of doctors so it can prevent the further employment.
The commission considers offers on development of a complex of joint actions for revealing and suppression of the facts of contraband of narcotics and psychotropic substances. Within the limits of interaction of power departments there is regular an information interchange concerning separate persons and the criminal groups involved in contraband of narcotics and psychotropic substances in territory of autonomous region, and also about developing operative conditions. The plan of joint road actions at the airports, at railway stations, autonomous region road service stations will be developed.
The attention also is paid to questions of preventive maintenance of a narcotism, propagation of a healthy way of life. It is entrusted to department of an information policy and public relations of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region to organize release of cycles of programs on television and radio, the newspaper headings devoted to preventive maintenance of a narcotism, the thematic programs directed on formation at rising generation of installation on aversion of the use of narcotics, propagation of a healthy way of life and sports among youth as alternatives to drugs. The offer has arrived to use in this direction of work other resources — sites of municipal mass media.
The commission considers offers on development of a complex of joint actions for revealing and suppression of the facts of contraband of narcotics and psychotropic substances. Within the limits of interaction of power departments there is regular an information interchange concerning separate persons and the criminal groups involved in contraband of narcotics and psychotropic substances in territory of autonomous region, and also about developing operative conditions. The plan of joint road actions at the airports, at railway stations, autonomous region road service stations will be developed.
The attention also is paid to questions of preventive maintenance of a narcotism, propagation of a healthy way of life. It is entrusted to department of an information policy and public relations of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region to organize release of cycles of programs on television and radio, the newspaper headings devoted to preventive maintenance of a narcotism, the thematic programs directed on formation at rising generation of installation on aversion of the use of narcotics, propagation of a healthy way of life and sports among youth as alternatives to drugs. The offer has arrived to use in this direction of work other resources — sites of municipal mass media.
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