Employees of bodies of a placement service of the population of district will sum up work for the first half of the year.

On July, 15th the department of employment of the population of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region will hold meeting in a videoconference mode on a question «On results of work of bodies of a placement service of the population of autonomous region for I half-year 2010».

Within the limits of session participants will analyse a situation on a regional labour market and realisation of the Program of additional measures on intensity decrease on a labour market in I half-year of current year. Besides, at session results of activity on realisation of the transferred powers of the Russian Federation in the field of assistance of employment of the population for the first half of the year 2010 will be considered. In the video session summons – discussion of results of formation of the budgetary reporting and results of financial and economic activity of official bodies of the Centers of employment of the population. Also experts will consider the problem completeness and quality of the information containing in «Registers of addressees of services».

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