Alcohol sale in New Urengoe on control of public organizations

Alcohol sale in New Urengoe on control of public organizations
City public organizations New Urengoj of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region took on control sale of alcohol and tobacco the minor. About it spoke at Social council session at the mayor who has taken place on January, 30th.

At volunteers from public groups experience on counteraction to sale of alcoholic production by the minor is turned already out. In particular, for 2011 in OMVD on New Urengoj 17 messages of townsmen on the facts of sale of alcohol and tobacco the minor have arrived. In a weekly mode spot-checks on protection of a public order by representatives of public organizations, national-cultural associations together with employees OMVD and representatives of a city Cossack society were spent. The facts of drinking of alcohol in public places were stopped. All spot-checks were shined in city mass media.

Besides, under the Social council petition norms of statement on the account in the commission on affairs of minors and protection of their rights have been toughened. On control teenagers are put after the first revealing of the fact of alcohol intake. In 2011 on the account 92 minors consisted.

The great value is given by public men to preventive actions. In particular, they had been organized meetings with schoolboys and their parents with viewing of thematic video films about harm of alcohol and nicotine. Representatives of public organizations also have taken part in the organization and carrying out of School of the volunteer devoted to preventive maintenance of alcoholism.

We remind that at Serafima Sarovsky's orthodox temple in New Urengoe «the sobriety Brotherhood» which representatives actively cooperate with Council in work with the parental public is created.

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