In Labytnangah suggest to forbid alcohol sale

On Council about development of small and average business under the chairmanship of head of administration Sergey Karasev changes of the legislation in the field of sale of alcoholic production are discussed. Sergey Viktorovich has reminded councilors that in October he has addressed in various structures and public associations with the request to give offers for working out of the standard legal certificate regarding an establishment of additional restrictions of time of retail of alcoholic production, and also conditions and places of placing of the trading objects which are carrying out sale of alcohol. The same theme has been taken out for public discussion at a forum of an official site of the City administration. Offers has arrived much. Their authors in the majority suggest to forbid sale of alcoholic production on distance of 300-500 meters from educational institutions, to leave alcohol only in specialized shops, to toughen control over sale of alcohol by the minor, to forbid alcohol sale to drunk buyers, to establish video observation systems in shops and etc. There were also other statements. For example, such: «Any a steering-wheel-cud-macaroni-bananas, in comparison with alcohol, won't make profit to businessmen. Thus, any undertaken restrictions in a kind not to sell in small shops and other will lead, first of all, to ruin of huge number of private businessmen, basically« a small hand ». Tens families will lose the income for which account they live already many years …».
In spite of the fact that this point in question is only in a discussion stage, and the municipal legal certificate isn't present even in the project, some businessmen already pass an opinion fears of acceptance of the document which is not equitable to their interests. Owners of the small little shops which have been kept away from city center first of all are anxious. One of such businessmen has taken part in Council session to inform to the colleagues all fears and alarms of businessmen of "a small hand». In the conditions of territorial dissociation of a city, beer sale in small shops — unique possibility to compensate remoteness and weak consumer demand.« The interdiction of sale of beer in such shops will lead to their bankruptcy, — she speaks, — and to build in the remote microdistricts capital shops isn't profitable ». The given businessman has addressed to councilors with the request not to make decisions concerning an interdiction of sale of alcohol in all shops, except for the specialized.
It is necessary to tell that conversation left far for frameworks of discussion of changes of the law. Told about alcohol sale the population, about blanks in youth education, about imperfection of the legislation, on vulnerability of businessmen from unfair sellers, about pricing in the design organizations which doesn't allow businessmen to extend and develop «an average hand» the business.
Coming back to the basic question, Sergey Karasev hasn'ted: «the Given theme also is taken out for public discussion to consider opinion of the population and not to make the decision only proceeding from a position of authorities». Sergey Viktorovich has assured that any regulatory legal act infringing on interests of small and average business, won't be accepted without preliminary expert examination of Council about business development.
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