In Noyabrsk the lowest prices for socially significant products in YANAO
Within the limits of the project «National control» which started on September, 3rd, 2010, representatives of the City administration of Noyabrsk take part in checks of retail prices for articles of food of the first necessity.
The assistant to the Head of administration, the chairman of the council on development of small and average business in МО Noyabrsk Sergey Lavrinets has made a working trip to settlement of Railwaymen in which has visited three grocery shops. Summing up check Sergey Lavrinets has noticed that as a whole the assortment presented in shops, and also the price policy of shops has made good impression, and actions for restraint of retail prices will be spent and further, special carefully control will be spent on the threshold of New Year's holidays.
In total for today the working group of the project «National control» has visited 15 shops of a city. Results of monitoring of retail prices testify that level of maximum permissible trading extra charges in retail trading networks of municipal union doesn't exceed 35 %.
It is necessary to notice that in conformity monitoring of the prices for the basic foodstuff in municipal union the city of Noyabrsk is spent weekly throughout two last years. It is noticed that the prices for articles of food of the first necessity during this period remained stable, or grew in limits commensurable with inflation. In September of current year increase of retail prices for buckwheat, rice, milk and dairy production, egg, a potato isn'ted. Increase of cost prices by suppliers became a rise in prices principal cause. For acceptance of measures and suppression of price arrangements, in a case rise in prices the given information goes to antimonopoly service JANAO. For the purpose of an explanation of a state policy in the field of regulation of retail prices for essential commodities and a non-admission of their unreasonable growth with heads of trade enterprises in the City administration meetings are regularly held.
According to department of the state order and trade YANAO for today in the city of Noyabrsk the lowest prices in district under 12 names of articles of food from 27 controls being in a zone are fixed. Into their number have entered: beef meat, pork meat, fowl, oil creamy, oil sunflower, milk, cheeses, sugar, a flour wheaten, rice, a potato and apples.
Самые важные и оперативные новости — в нашем Telegram-канале «Вестник Заполярья». ПОДПИШИСЬ!
The assistant to the Head of administration, the chairman of the council on development of small and average business in МО Noyabrsk Sergey Lavrinets has made a working trip to settlement of Railwaymen in which has visited three grocery shops. Summing up check Sergey Lavrinets has noticed that as a whole the assortment presented in shops, and also the price policy of shops has made good impression, and actions for restraint of retail prices will be spent and further, special carefully control will be spent on the threshold of New Year's holidays.
In total for today the working group of the project «National control» has visited 15 shops of a city. Results of monitoring of retail prices testify that level of maximum permissible trading extra charges in retail trading networks of municipal union doesn't exceed 35 %.
It is necessary to notice that in conformity monitoring of the prices for the basic foodstuff in municipal union the city of Noyabrsk is spent weekly throughout two last years. It is noticed that the prices for articles of food of the first necessity during this period remained stable, or grew in limits commensurable with inflation. In September of current year increase of retail prices for buckwheat, rice, milk and dairy production, egg, a potato isn'ted. Increase of cost prices by suppliers became a rise in prices principal cause. For acceptance of measures and suppression of price arrangements, in a case rise in prices the given information goes to antimonopoly service JANAO. For the purpose of an explanation of a state policy in the field of regulation of retail prices for essential commodities and a non-admission of their unreasonable growth with heads of trade enterprises in the City administration meetings are regularly held.
According to department of the state order and trade YANAO for today in the city of Noyabrsk the lowest prices in district under 12 names of articles of food from 27 controls being in a zone are fixed. Into their number have entered: beef meat, pork meat, fowl, oil creamy, oil sunflower, milk, cheeses, sugar, a flour wheaten, rice, a potato and apples.
Самые важные и оперативные новости — в нашем Telegram-канале «Вестник Заполярья». ПОДПИШИСЬ!
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