In Labytnangah have put a corruption barrier!
Questions of support of subjects of a small-scale business are still actual. The measures accepted in the city of Labytnangi regarding support of business, have been discussed at last session of Council about corruption counteraction. The head of department of economy and property relations Alexander Osipenko has noticed that last year to small and average business there was a support in a kind of indemnification of a part of the expenses connected with payment of utilities and indemnification of a part of percent under credits. On these purposes it has been directed accordingly 500 and 940 thousand roubles from the local budget. Nine businessmen have taken advantage of this support. Besides, there was грантовая a support to beginning businessmen. On these purposes it is directed without small 1,5 million rbl. Grants have received 6 persons.
Besides, within the limits of realisation of the municipal target program on development of enterprise activity in the city of Labytnangi in the end of 2009 the Uniform settlement-cash centre on reception of payments of the population for the received housing-and-municipal services has been created. Efficiency of the given action is obvious — level of a collecting of payments of the population practically on all organisations of a housing-and-municipal complex has exceeded 90 percent.
Head of administration Sergey Karasev has especially underlined that Labytnangi — a unique city in district where there is a support to businessmen under indemnification of expenses for utilities. Besides, Labytnangi — a unique city where granting of the equipped premise under a business incubator has allowed businessmen to receive free of charge service in registration of declarations and their transfer to tax department in electronic form. Experience of a city regarding the organisation of a uniform financial settlements centre will be generalised at level of all district and is taken for a basis at opening of the similar centres «uniform window» on Yamal.
Besides, within the limits of realisation of the municipal target program on development of enterprise activity in the city of Labytnangi in the end of 2009 the Uniform settlement-cash centre on reception of payments of the population for the received housing-and-municipal services has been created. Efficiency of the given action is obvious — level of a collecting of payments of the population practically on all organisations of a housing-and-municipal complex has exceeded 90 percent.
Head of administration Sergey Karasev has especially underlined that Labytnangi — a unique city in district where there is a support to businessmen under indemnification of expenses for utilities. Besides, Labytnangi — a unique city where granting of the equipped premise under a business incubator has allowed businessmen to receive free of charge service in registration of declarations and their transfer to tax department in electronic form. Experience of a city regarding the organisation of a uniform financial settlements centre will be generalised at level of all district and is taken for a basis at opening of the similar centres «uniform window» on Yamal.
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