TSJ – green light!

In the City administration have discussed measures on creation of favorable conditions for formation and activity of associations of proprietors of habitation. Indicators by quantity TSJ, operating in territories, directly influence indicators of efficiency of activity of the local and regional authorities. To stimulate inhabitants on association in TSJ the power it is ready in all directions: rendering of the methodical help, legal and information support, assistance in carrying out of meetings of proprietors, training potential домоуправов. For the purpose of development of the initiative of proprietors and increase of a share of the houses united in associations, the district Government confirms the corresponding decision according to which in 2 years in all cities of Yamal the share of houses in which are created TSJ, should make not less than 20 percent, in areas and rural settlements — not less than five. It is necessary to tell that Labytnangi in this question are in more favourable position, rather than other territories of district. In Labytnangah the share of apartment houses in which are created TSJ, already comes nearer to a treasured lath and makes 19,24 percent. For comparison: a share of such houses in Salekhard — about two percent, and, for example, in Nadym — less than percent. In spite of the fact that Labytnangi has most close come nearer to the established indicator, to "rest on laurels" the assistant to the head of administration Anatoly Kuznetsov to subordinated services hasn't allowed. In its opinion, upon termination of the period of mass holidays it is necessary to speed up work with inhabitants on carrying out of meetings, an explanation of advantages of associations of proprietors of habitation, the explanatory of pluses and minuses of all forms of government apartment houses. According to Anatoly Ivanovicha, during such meetings, probably, the leaders, capable to head association will come to light. Them in the subsequent it is necessary to train and render them comprehensive support. The step-by-step algorithm of actions on a way of creation TSJ is developed in management of the uniform customer, they are defined by the authorized body on support, creation and development of associations.

On the instructions of the district power in Labytnangah five more houses are necessary for uniting in for achievement of the treasured purpose. On the instructions of Anatoly Kuznetsova — the indicator is necessary for exceeding. It is necessary to tell that it isn't simple «a Stakhanov appeal». The share of 20 % is that lath at which the separate municipal union and district as a whole has the right to count on financial support in the area of Fund of reforming of housing and communal services. We will remind, during the current year at the expense of Fund means financial support was received by only three municipal unions: New Urengoj, Noyabrsk and Labytnangi.

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