Utilities again will rise in price
Since October, 1st in Labytnangah the size of a payment for premises changes. It is connected with the changes confirmed in the end of July in the Housing code and separate acts of the Russian Federation. An essence of these innovations that limiting indexes of change of the tariff, confirmed annually at federal and regional level, concern now only utilities and don't extend for the size of a payment for premises. Accordingly, the size of a payment for premises should be compensated by citizens in full. Thus, to subsidize the given service at the expense of budget means it is impossible.
Let's remind, in Labytnangah to such step were ready in May. Then the big explanatory work regarding charge of payments for the maintenance in the size defined by results of open competition on selection of management companies, spent in 2008 has been spent. On the average it is 26 rbl. for square meter. Cost of the maintenance of square meter in the concrete house can be specified on the City administration site.
In the spring, thanks to teamwork of the district and local authorities, transition to 100 % maintenance payment has been delayed presumably prior to the beginning of next year. Modification of the federal legislation compels to pass to a service full indemnification, since the fourth quarter of current year. It is necessary to tell that the payment increase will occur not for all inhabitants. The majority of inhabitants of houses of the first category and a part of houses of the second category have already reached a 100 percent lath.
Thus it is necessary to understand that all changes concern only those inhabitants of apartment houses who weren't defined with way of management. All the others have a right independently to influence level of payment for the maintenance and operating repair of the general property in an apartment house. For this purpose it is necessary to hold meeting, to define a way of management, to define the list of services and works under the maintenance of the general property of the house, conditions of their rendering and performance and, according to it, to establish service cost counting on one square meter. The given algorithm of actions approaches also to those inhabitants who are dissatisfied with high level of payment for the maintenance, and that who intends to expand the list of works under the maintenance for an additional payment.
Самые важные и оперативные новости — в нашем Telegram-канале «Вестник Заполярья». ПОДПИШИСЬ!
Let's remind, in Labytnangah to such step were ready in May. Then the big explanatory work regarding charge of payments for the maintenance in the size defined by results of open competition on selection of management companies, spent in 2008 has been spent. On the average it is 26 rbl. for square meter. Cost of the maintenance of square meter in the concrete house can be specified on the City administration site.
In the spring, thanks to teamwork of the district and local authorities, transition to 100 % maintenance payment has been delayed presumably prior to the beginning of next year. Modification of the federal legislation compels to pass to a service full indemnification, since the fourth quarter of current year. It is necessary to tell that the payment increase will occur not for all inhabitants. The majority of inhabitants of houses of the first category and a part of houses of the second category have already reached a 100 percent lath.
Thus it is necessary to understand that all changes concern only those inhabitants of apartment houses who weren't defined with way of management. All the others have a right independently to influence level of payment for the maintenance and operating repair of the general property in an apartment house. For this purpose it is necessary to hold meeting, to define a way of management, to define the list of services and works under the maintenance of the general property of the house, conditions of their rendering and performance and, according to it, to establish service cost counting on one square meter. The given algorithm of actions approaches also to those inhabitants who are dissatisfied with high level of payment for the maintenance, and that who intends to expand the list of works under the maintenance for an additional payment.
Самые важные и оперативные новости — в нашем Telegram-канале «Вестник Заполярья». ПОДПИШИСЬ!
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