On Yamal the law on development of innovative activity in autonomous region is passed.
The law «About development of innovative activity in Yamal-Nenets autonomous region» is accepted by Legislative Assembly JANAO on April, 20th current year. In the new law definitions of concepts «innovative activity», «the innovative policy», «innovative production», «the innovative project», «the innovative plan», «subjects of innovative activity», «an infrastructure of development of innovative activity» contain. Powers of executive powers of the government of autonomous region and local governments in sphere of development of innovative activity are defined.
According to the regulatory legal act, a main objective of a district innovative policy is formation of favorable conditions for innovative development of region. This policy is under construction on principles of direct participation of executive powers of the government and district local government in innovative activity, attraction to development of offers concerning formation and realization of an innovative policy of businessmen-innovatorov, rendering of support by it, association of efforts and resources for the further development of innovations on Yamal.
For the purpose of development of offers concerning formation and realization of an innovative policy, promotion and support of the initiatives having district both all-Russian value and directed on realization of the innovative policy in region, the autonomous region Government will create coordination and advisory bodies in sphere of development of innovations. For increase of innovative and investment potential and development of branches of economy and social sphere of Yamal the Fund of innovative development of autonomous region is created.
Besides, public authorities JANAO will promote development of the international and inter-regional cooperation in sphere of innovations, to form an infrastructure of development of innovative activity, and also to carry out measures on propagation and popularization of innovative activity by release of printing editions, information placing in a network the Internet, popular scientific television and broadcasts.
The share of expenses for support of innovative activity in the district budget, share of the enterprises which are carrying out innovative activity, from total number of the enterprises of district, a share of innovative production in total amount of a total regional product become indicators of realization of an innovative policy.
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According to the regulatory legal act, a main objective of a district innovative policy is formation of favorable conditions for innovative development of region. This policy is under construction on principles of direct participation of executive powers of the government and district local government in innovative activity, attraction to development of offers concerning formation and realization of an innovative policy of businessmen-innovatorov, rendering of support by it, association of efforts and resources for the further development of innovations on Yamal.
For the purpose of development of offers concerning formation and realization of an innovative policy, promotion and support of the initiatives having district both all-Russian value and directed on realization of the innovative policy in region, the autonomous region Government will create coordination and advisory bodies in sphere of development of innovations. For increase of innovative and investment potential and development of branches of economy and social sphere of Yamal the Fund of innovative development of autonomous region is created.
Besides, public authorities JANAO will promote development of the international and inter-regional cooperation in sphere of innovations, to form an infrastructure of development of innovative activity, and also to carry out measures on propagation and popularization of innovative activity by release of printing editions, information placing in a network the Internet, popular scientific television and broadcasts.
The share of expenses for support of innovative activity in the district budget, share of the enterprises which are carrying out innovative activity, from total number of the enterprises of district, a share of innovative production in total amount of a total regional product become indicators of realization of an innovative policy.
Самые важные и оперативные новости — в нашем Telegram-канале «Вестник Заполярья». ПОДПИШИСЬ!
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