In New Urengoe signal to start will be given to the Yamal innovative forum.

In New Urengoe signal to start will be given to the Yamal innovative forum.
For the first time for history of carrying out of similar actions innovations for the person and the nature become the central theme. The urgency of subjects of a forum will be underlined by the scientifically-practical conferences devoted to development of Arctic regions: «Features of regional innovative systems in Arctic regions» and «Innovative approaches in development of medical biotechnology in the conditions of the Far North», and also plenary discussion «Arctic regions and the person».

As the founder of the Forum the Government of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region – the City administration New Urengoj traditionally acts. The department on a science and innovations YANAO supervises over preparation for action, the operator is district technological park "Yamal" which spends all spadework.

It is necessary to notice that this year a significant amount of demands from interested persons has arrived to take part in exhibitions «Medicine, technologies – to inhabitants of the Far North», «Building, power, ecology, housing and communal services. Innovative technologies – to the Far North». The innovative achievements at exhibitions will present more than 100 exhibitors from 25 cities of Russia.

The Forum program also includes such actions, as deputy hearings on a theme «Preservation of the environment and maintenance of ecological safety of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region»; conferences: the First Yamal ecological conference, conference of Council of young scientists and experts YANAO, on-line conference «Arctic regions and the person» about Kassel (a twin-city of New Urengoja). Seminars «Strategic and innovative management – from the theory to practice», «quality management System as an innovation in management», «the Power effective equipment for an independent heat supply and technological heating on the basis of induction technologies», «Naftenoterapija – powerful effective therapy medical oil, unique on the natural balneal properties» will take place also.

In the Innovative forum which will work from November, 22 till November, 24th, scientists and the experts, developments prosecuting by subjects and development of Arctic regions, its social and technological component will take part. It is necessary to notice that throughout last years the Forum is not only a platform for an establishment of direct research-and-production communications between its participants and provides possibility of perspective cooperation with the Russian and foreign companies. It and an original resource for development of the educational activity, allowing the future young experts, and today students of HIGH SCHOOLS to get acquainted with advanced achievements and workings out more close. And this year an exception didn't become. Students of branch of the Tyumen state university, technical school of the oil and gas industry, the Yamal oil and gas institute plan to take part in the Forum.

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