To innovations on Yamal to be and develop!

To innovations on Yamal to be and develop!
On November, 23rd in New Urengoe in business center "Yamal" has passed solemnly opening of the Yamal innovative forum «Innovations for the nature and the person». Experience of carrying out of the Forum allows to speak about a successful choice of its format and wide interest to it from innovative community of Russia and the world.

As the founder of the Forum the Government of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region, the City administration New Urengoj, the operator – technopark "Yamal" traditionally acts.

Visitors and participants of this significant district event on behalf of the Governor of Yamal Dmitry Kobylkina were greeted by its assistant Vasily Stepanov. «An innovative forum – the powerful tool for involving of the financial resources, called to stimulate development of innovations on Yamal. It is assured that the Forum becomes a platform of meaningful dialogues, will be useful, will allow its participants to show vision of innovations, experience. I wish all successes in all undertakings», – Vasily Stepanov hasn'ted.

«It is honourable that the next Forum passes in our city. It is assured, it not the accident, New Urengoj for a long time it is already known as one of the leading scientifically-educational centers on Yamal. The Yamal innovative forum and the exhibitions which have become by its important component, have collected this year record quantity of participants for all history of the carrying out. In an exposition take part more than hundred companies, – Mayor Ivan Kostogriz has underlined in the performance, – I Wish all participants of successes! Talented ideas, courageous projects and active acts! And let this Forum will give all of us a good impulse to creation and development».

The chairman of Legislative Assembly JANAO Sergey Harjuchi and the director of department for a science and innovations JANAO Gennady Detter have joined wishes of good luck, prosperity, realization of innovative projects and plans. Besides, participants of the Forum on the beginning of its work as the governmental telegrams have congratulated the plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in UrFo Evgenie Kujvashev and the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Victor Kazarin.

It is necessary to notice that the Forum is a unique platform for business dialogue of all participants of innovative activity – from science and education to investors and representatives of institutes of innovative development, annually on it vital topics of development of innovations are discussed most. Simultaneously with actions the Forum gives possibility to take part in specialized exhibitions and work of a presentation zone. It is necessary to notice that this year in exhibitions «Medicine, technologies – to inhabitants of the Far North», «Building, power, ecology, housing and communal services. Innovative technologies – to the Far North» represent the innovative achievements more than 100 exhibitors from 25 cities of Russia.

For the first time for history of carrying out of similar actions the basic theme of the Innovative forum – «Innovations for the nature and the person», take part in it scientists and the experts, developments prosecuting by subjects and development of Arctic regions, its social and technological component. The urgency of subjects of the Forum is underlined also by the scientifically-practical conferences devoted to development of Arctic regions: «Features of regional innovative systems in Arctic regions» and «Innovative approaches in development of medical biotechnology in the conditions of the Far North», and also plenary discussion «Arctic regions and the person» which was opened by the deserved professor-researcher, the Nobel prize winner of the world of 2007 Vincent Kallagan Terrens (Sweden).

The known world scientist in the report «Arctic regions: the indicator of health of a planet» has underlined that «Arctic regions – the major component in an ecosystem of the Earth, influencing power balance, atmospheric and oceanic circulation, fresh water stocks, a sea level. Researches show that climate warming in Arctic regions has increased almost in 2 times rates of global warming. The schedule of deposits» has changed also. According to Vincent Kallagana Terrensa changes in environment of Arctic regions will affect further economy, health, lives of millions the people living behind its limits. But ecological changes in the Arctic climate and криосфере, most likely, will be difficult and sometimes illogical, "gardening" of Arctic regions will occur not everywhere.« Scientists consider that the increased temperature and reduction of snow deposits can cause droughts in the summer. But inhabitants of Arctic regions don't despond and are able to adapt well even if rates of changes have strongly shaken their adaptable possibilities », – the scientist has underlined.

Also within the limits of plenary discussion «Arctic regions and the person» have passed performances: the vice-president of Legislative Assembly JANAO of Elena Zlenko, the general director of Institute of economic strategy Alexander Ageeva, the president of the International institute P.Sorokin – N.Kondratyev Yury Jakovtsa conducting the engineer of the Center of introduction of workings out and the industry of Kazan national research technological university Ilfara Gilmutdinova, etc.

At a hall there was a youth – students of HIGH SCHOOLS of New Urengoja. As marked many acting, on youth the rate in innovative sector becomes. Young are more susceptible to innovations and boil ideas. It is necessary only to help to systematize and learn these ideas to transform them in successful and highly profitable innovative projects. On all it was visible that listeners in a hall show interest to Forum subjects. Exciting questions have been asked, offers and wishes are sounded.

The innovative forum «Innovations for the nature and the person» will finish the work on November, 24th. This day will pass scientifically-practical conferences «Features of regional innovative systems in Arctic regions» and «Innovative approaches in development of medical biotechnology in the conditions of the Far North», the first Yamal ecological conference. Won't manage this year and without an official part. On Forum closing awards will be handed over winners of competitions «Polar Owl» and "North star".

The innovative direction in region actively prospers and develops. And the success of its realization depends on activity of all parties. Clearly one – to innovations on Yamal to be!

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