Dmitry Kobylkin plans to take part in a forum of the industry and innovations.

From July, 15 till July, 18th in Ekaterinburg with support of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of the industry and trade of the Russian Federation, the device of the Plenipotentiary of the President of Russia in UFO there will pass the First Ural international exhibition and a forum of the industry and innovations «INNOPROM-2010». The organizer of actions is the government of Sverdlovsk area. Representatives of federal and regional bodies of the state power of the Russian Federation, the large Russian and foreign companies, experts will participate in work INNOPROM in the field of industrial and innovative development.
Participation in an exhibition and forum will be accepted by delegation of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region led by the Governor of region Dmitry Kobylkinym. As a part of delegation – the assistant to the head of region, the director of department international and foreign economic relations Alexander Mazharov, the director of department for a science and innovations Vitaly Hotsenko, etc. Besides, participation in INNOPROM will accept employees of independent establishment «District technological park" Yamal ". As have noted in department on a science and innovations, Technopark" Yamal "within the limits of an exhibition will present the exposition devoted to innovative activity both the is innovative-focused organisations and the enterprises of region. Participation in an exhibition and forum will promote expansion of inter-regional and international cooperation of Yamal with representatives of federal and regional public authorities of the Russian Federation, the domestic and foreign enterprises, to development of innovative activity and the newest technological workings out in district territory.
The Ural international exhibition and forum of the industry and innovations «INNOPROM-2010» is a unique communication platform in which frameworks the newest technological workings out will be shown and pressing questions of development of the market of innovations in Russia are discussed. At an exhibition the Russian innovative workings out and high technologies on the most different subjects will be presented: thermal power station, metallurgy, housing and communal services, medicine, to an innovation in management etc. refusal of presentation of innovative ideas and the projects which have been not supported with business plans should become the Basic difference of an exhibition from similar actions.
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