On Yamal Days of a science and innovations began

Today in Salekhard Days of a science and innovations of the Tomsk region in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug began.
In the Cultural business center of the capital of Yamal the exhibition «Scientific and innovative development of the Tomsk region» on which development in the field of information technologies, petrogas production, medicine, construction and housing and communal services, ecology and environmental protection and other branches is presented opened.
Before the beginning of plenary session the First Deputy Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Vladimir Vladimirov read a greeting to guests of Yamal and participants of action on behalf of the Head of the region Dmitry Kobylkin. «We are interested in that Yamal participated in the advanced domestic scientific and technical projects more actively, – in particular, is told in a greeting of the Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. – We count on cooperation with Tomsk colleagues in definition of the perspective innovative directions, on use of the saved-up experience of implementation of projects in priority spheres of economy. It is sure that Days of a science and innovations of the Tomsk region in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug become one more significant step of expansion of old partner communications» .
The vice governor of the Tomsk region Alexey Knyazev presented the video address to participants of action of the Governor of the Tomsk region of Sergey Zhvachkin. According to the head of the region, Days of a science and innovations of the Tomsk region in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is a logical continuation of the relations stuck in 2009 from signing of the interregional Cooperation agreement. «I want to thank especially one of authors of this project – the Governor of the district Dmitry Kobylkin and to transfer hot Siberian hello to all inhabitants of a northern outpost of Russia. In three years of our cooperation we managed to come into contacts between our oil and gas companies, Yamal and the housing and communal services Tomsk organizations, began joint projects in other spheres» , – Sergey Zhvachkin noted, having expressed confidence that Days of a science and innovations of the Tomsk region on Yamal will open new prospects of mutually beneficial cooperation between regions for the benefit of inhabitants of both subjects of Federation.
Let's remind that as a part of delegation of the Tomsk region – over 40 representatives of public authorities of the region, business and scientific community, a row higher educational institutions, business centers and the companies occupied in the field of a science and innovations.
The plenary session which has begun today on a subject «Prospects of development of the relations in the sphere of a science and innovations between the Tomsk region and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug» was opened by the First Deputy Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Vladimir Vladimirov and the vice governor of the Tomsk region Alexey Knyazev.
In the program of actions – an exhibition «Scientific and innovative development of the Tomsk region». Then a number of thematic round tables will take place: «Oil and gas complex. Neftegazokhimiya», «Construction and housing and communal services. Power efficiency», «Ecology. Environmental protection», «Innovations in health care», «Information technologies in authorities».
Days of a science and innovations of the Tomsk region in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug will continue the work and will come to the end on October 12 with signing of the total protocol.
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