The governor of Yamal has opened the Arctic educational forum

«Advantages of safe and effective development of the Arctic territories disappear in resources personnel», - the Governor of Yamal has opened the Arctic educational forum. Today, on November, 16th, in capital of Yamal has begun the work the Arctic educational forum «Arctic regions – region of innovative formation». Governor YANAO Dmitry Kobylkin who has underlined welcomed participants and visitors of representative international meeting of professionals that today Arctic regions draws attention of many countries of the world, as an enormous power resources and possibility of fastening of positions of many states.« Yamal is today gate of the Russian Arctic regions. We move ahead to shelves, we construct roads, we realize megaprojects, we revive Northern sea way … But all of us we understand that advantages of safe and effective development of the Arctic territories disappear in resources personnel. A competition between the countries in this question of a bycicle. The success of our country depends on national personnel selection and formation, and formation of the special, strong on preparation strong, high quality professionals claimed by the North of Russia, people of special thinking », – the head of the Arctic region has underlined.
As the press-service of the Governor informs, the significant fact Dmitry Kobylkin what the Yamal earth became the platform first in Russia for discussion of problems school and vocational training in northern regions named. «At us the strong educational environment, strong teachers … 2012 on Yamal becomes Year of preparation of the qualified experts. The reserve which we will create, becomes a preservation guarantee beyond Yamal of the status of key Arctic territory», – Governor YANAO has declared and has wished participants of the Forum of fruitful work and successes.
Let's remind, the Forum will work on November, 18th. Its overall objective – definition of a role of educational sphere in project realization «Arctic regions as a resource of world development». To reach this purpose professionals plan in two directions: innovative development of economy of Russia and YANAO in a context of universal tendencies of all Arctic region; discussion of a role of formation as resource for the decision of the designated problems. At the Forum questions of modernization of development and development of northern territories, in particular, will be brought up; creations of conditions of reception of quality formation; preparations of the experts, capable to satisfy requirement of northern territories for realization of scale and hi-tech projects and, at the same time, preservation of culture, traditions of the radical people; education of new generation of inhabitants of Arctic regions.
Participation in the Forum is accepted by leading experts in an education sphere of Russia and foreign northern countries. To capital of Yamal there have arrived representatives of the higher school of Moscow and Tyumen, Ekaterinburg and Krasnoyarsk, the Barrow and Khanty-Mansiysk, Finland and the Netherlands, Hungary and Canada …
Participants will work on five thematic platforms – «Educational resources of schools of Arctic regions», «Possibilities of preservation of culture, languages of the radical small people as means of schools of Arctic regions», «School of Arctic regions: the power and a society», «vocational training Modernization in interests of development of economy of Arctic regions».
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