Yamal needs high-class professionals
On January, 18th, the Governor of Yamal has held meeting with the assistants and the head of profile department on the further development of system of vocational training in the Arctic region. Opening meeting, Dmitry Kobylkin has noticed that this theme for Yamal is extremely actual. He has underlined that the region needs high-class professionals.
At the moment in department of formation YANAO, as well as in other subjects of Russia, on the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation there is a preparation of the special program for 2011-2015. The director of department Irina Sidorov has underlined that the district will be shortly ready to present the program for competitive selection to the federal center. At a safe variant the decision on it from the federal budget will be accepted. The main difference of the target program from similar, working in district territory earlier, in providing more active participation in it large employers and to facilitate loading on the budget. In particular, experts of department of formation YANAO offer, that students or pupils of professional colleges could found a job on a speciality from 3-4 courses that will give the chance to them to get necessary expertize, and to employers to have possibility for a choice of the best experts.
Irina Sidorov has noticed that next week in Ekaterinburg under the aegis of the plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in Uralsk federal district there will pass conference on the given theme where deeper discussion of similar questions with other regions UFO is planned. And for February, 10th in New Urengoe exit session of Legislative Assembly JANAO on which questions of formation of modern professional formation with the largest employers of region will be brought up is planned. And exploratory talk with employers profile department is spent and, under the statement of the director of department, they confirm interest in realization of the special program.
Following the results of working meeting the decision to finish the program of vocational training YANAO for 2011-15 taking into account an innovative component till January, 21st was accepted; to bring the project of the program for consideration at session of Government JANAO till January, 27th; to direct the program to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for participation in federal competition of programs of vocational training till February, 1st of this year.
At the moment in department of formation YANAO, as well as in other subjects of Russia, on the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation there is a preparation of the special program for 2011-2015. The director of department Irina Sidorov has underlined that the district will be shortly ready to present the program for competitive selection to the federal center. At a safe variant the decision on it from the federal budget will be accepted. The main difference of the target program from similar, working in district territory earlier, in providing more active participation in it large employers and to facilitate loading on the budget. In particular, experts of department of formation YANAO offer, that students or pupils of professional colleges could found a job on a speciality from 3-4 courses that will give the chance to them to get necessary expertize, and to employers to have possibility for a choice of the best experts.
Irina Sidorov has noticed that next week in Ekaterinburg under the aegis of the plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in Uralsk federal district there will pass conference on the given theme where deeper discussion of similar questions with other regions UFO is planned. And for February, 10th in New Urengoe exit session of Legislative Assembly JANAO on which questions of formation of modern professional formation with the largest employers of region will be brought up is planned. And exploratory talk with employers profile department is spent and, under the statement of the director of department, they confirm interest in realization of the special program.
Following the results of working meeting the decision to finish the program of vocational training YANAO for 2011-15 taking into account an innovative component till January, 21st was accepted; to bring the project of the program for consideration at session of Government JANAO till January, 27th; to direct the program to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for participation in federal competition of programs of vocational training till February, 1st of this year.
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