On Yamal passes the first stage of competition «the Youthful eight in Russia».

«The youthful eight in Russia» - the annual competition directed on revealing of the best schoolboys of one of federal districts of Russia and formation of national delegation on the Summit «Youthful eight». In 2011 the youth national team will be generated from among schoolboys of comprehensive schools of subjects of the Russian Federations entering into the Ural federal district.
As the organizer of competition the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation with assistance of expert group of the St.-Petersburg state university and youth movement «the Youthful eight» acts, with support of the plenipotentiary of the President of the Russian Federation in UFO and the heads of enforcement authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation entering in UFO.
The summit of "the Youthful eight» is an annual meeting of senior pupils-representatives of G8 countries and developing countries which passes in parallel with Summit G8. The meeting purpose is representation to leaders of the countries-participants of the Summit of a sight young on a way of the decision of actual global problems. At the initiative of Russia in 2006 the youthful summit is included in the official program of a meeting of heads of the states of "Group of Eight», in 2007-2010 Summit G8 has been spent to Germany, Japan, Italy and Canada.
From December, 13th, till January, 15th, 2011 in Yamal-Nenets autonomous region passes the first stage of competition «the Youthful eight in Russia» among senior pupils – applicants for participation in a forum of "the Youthful eight» in France in 2011.
At the first stage of competition, haven'ted in department of formation YANAO, it is necessary to select from 10 to 15 candidates for structure of the Russian delegation from autonomous region. Pupils of the senior classes of educational institutions at the age of 14-17 years can become participants.
The first stage of competition is spent in the form of an essay which are necessary for executing on the set themes in Russian and English languages.
More detailed information on conditions of carrying out of the first stage of competition is placed on an official Internet site of department of formation of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region. It is possible to set any questions on the project and its illumination to the PR-coordinator of the first stage of competition Romanu Smirnovu, the chief specialist of department of regional development of department of formation of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region – an e-mail: pres_obr@mail.ru, bodies.: 3-74-85.
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