Mail eyes of children

Management of a federal mail service of Yamal-Nenets joint-stock company – branch FGUP «Mail of Russia» declared new district competition of drawing «Mail eyes of children». The given competition is spent from March, 15th till May, 31st, 2011. The consciousness of a calendar and a notebook under sketches of drawings of winners of the given competition will be total action of the given competition.
Competition main objectives are formation of the positive relation and attraction of attention of young generation to the Russian mail, demonstration and development of moral, cultural, art achievements of children and youth, education in love children to beauty and art, creation of a calendar and a notebook on the basis of drawings of children. As the organizer of the given competition UFPS YANAO – branch FGUP «Mail of Russia» has acted.
Take part in competition participants at the age from 5 till 15 years, including pupils of art schools, circles, studios, students of high schools can. Works are accepted to the address: 629007, YANAO, the Tyumen region, Salekhard, Lenin's street, д.36 with a mark «On drawing competition« Mail eyes of children ».
We invite all to take part and dream up over such many-sided and interesting theme as «Mail eyes of children».
The additional information connected with carrying out of given competition can be learned from position about carrying out of the given competition, according to the Appendix or on a site of UFPS YANAO – branch FGUP «Mail of Russia»
Results of competition will be declared on June, 1st, 2011.
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