In Nadym starts competition of children's drawing!
The city administration of Nadym declares competition of children's drawing «We draw New Year's Nadym», devoted to New year in Nadym. Competition is spent on an official site of the City administration among children till 18 years in three age categories:
• till 7 years (inclusive);
• with 8 till 12 years;
• with 13 till 18 years.
Wishing to take part in competition give the works in the City administration. Drawings are carried out in the size 20х30см (format А-4) or 40×30 sm (format А-3) in any picturesque genre or the graphic technics (ink, gouache, a pastel, the computer graphics, the mixed technicians etc.), corresponding to subjects. At work necessarily there should be an element specifying to New Year's Nadym.
On a drawing underside it is necessary to specify: the drawing name, ФИО the participant, age, educational institution, contact phone.
Works are accepted by management of the information and public relations of Administration of municipal union the city of Nadym by e-mail: or to the address: Nadym, street Zvereva, д. 8, fl. 503, 516, phones: 530-411, 544-240.
• till 7 years (inclusive);
• with 8 till 12 years;
• with 13 till 18 years.
Wishing to take part in competition give the works in the City administration. Drawings are carried out in the size 20х30см (format А-4) or 40×30 sm (format А-3) in any picturesque genre or the graphic technics (ink, gouache, a pastel, the computer graphics, the mixed technicians etc.), corresponding to subjects. At work necessarily there should be an element specifying to New Year's Nadym.
On a drawing underside it is necessary to specify: the drawing name, ФИО the participant, age, educational institution, contact phone.
Works are accepted by management of the information and public relations of Administration of municipal union the city of Nadym by e-mail: or to the address: Nadym, street Zvereva, д. 8, fl. 503, 516, phones: 530-411, 544-240.
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