Bathing in reservoirs of Nadym is forbidden!
The sun, air and water — our best friends! »— this line from a children's poem remains actual any more one decade. Well who from us does not dream to plunge in hot day into a vivifying water cool?
Every year set of townspeople with the great pleasure spend time on coast of lake Amber and the rivers Nadyms. In water swim and dive not only adults, but also children. Much to our regret, very few people from them reflects on possible consequences of such bathing.
In northern latitudes the top sheet of water gets warm only, and it means that nobody is insured from spasms which can lead to tragical consequences. And bathers forget about a current, which on the river Nadym fast enough, and about the quality of water far from norm.
Do not stop daredevils-bathers neither tablets forbidding bathing, nor the left decision of administration of municipal union the city of Nadym «About a bathing interdiction in the reservoirs located in borders of municipal union the city of Nadym», constant reports of workers of Rospotrebnadzora about a condition of water and a coastal bottom in lake Amber.
All the same are wishing to push luck, and in the meantime in an accident ward of the central regional hospital fans of water elements, and not always sober are even more often delivered.
Certainly, to result our water objects in norm, the big budgetary investments are necessary, but these efforts will be vain if we, so loving the city, we will leave still on coast dust, to beat bottles, to merge a waste, than to aggravate ecological conditions of our reservoirs, the press-service of administration of Nadym informs.
Самые важные и оперативные новости — в нашем Telegram-канале «Вестник Заполярья». ПОДПИШИСЬ!
Every year set of townspeople with the great pleasure spend time on coast of lake Amber and the rivers Nadyms. In water swim and dive not only adults, but also children. Much to our regret, very few people from them reflects on possible consequences of such bathing.
In northern latitudes the top sheet of water gets warm only, and it means that nobody is insured from spasms which can lead to tragical consequences. And bathers forget about a current, which on the river Nadym fast enough, and about the quality of water far from norm.
Do not stop daredevils-bathers neither tablets forbidding bathing, nor the left decision of administration of municipal union the city of Nadym «About a bathing interdiction in the reservoirs located in borders of municipal union the city of Nadym», constant reports of workers of Rospotrebnadzora about a condition of water and a coastal bottom in lake Amber.
All the same are wishing to push luck, and in the meantime in an accident ward of the central regional hospital fans of water elements, and not always sober are even more often delivered.
Certainly, to result our water objects in norm, the big budgetary investments are necessary, but these efforts will be vain if we, so loving the city, we will leave still on coast dust, to beat bottles, to merge a waste, than to aggravate ecological conditions of our reservoirs, the press-service of administration of Nadym informs.
Самые важные и оперативные новости — в нашем Telegram-канале «Вестник Заполярья». ПОДПИШИСЬ!
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