On a holiday the Christening in Labytnangah fonts will be organized on the river Hanmej

On a holiday the Christening in Labytnangah fonts will be organized on the river Hanmej
The fifth year on a great holiday of the Christening will pass a ceremony in Labytnangah on the river Hanmej. Traditionally with the ceremony organization the orthodox temple is helped by the City administration. The basic attention is given to safety. With that end in view on a venue a bathing rescuers, physicians, employees of traffic police will be directly on duty. For believing townspeople and all who this day will decide to plunge in water, two ice-holes, separately for men and women, and also a separate ice-hole for a water set will be prepared. For convenience of inhabitants near to an ice-hole tents with the equipped locker rooms will be exposed. From church buses will go at 10-00, movement of "Gazelles" through everyone an hour and a half further will be organized. Organizers address to inhabitants with the request, a ceremony children to make exclusively under supervision adult, and the inhabitants excited with spirits and townspeople of old age to refrain from bathing in an ice ice-hole. For inhabitants who can't go on Hanmej, the water fence will be directly organized about a temple.

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