The Ministry of Emergency Measures reminds as correctly to "be christened"

Today, on January, 19th, orthodox Christians on Yamal mark one of great holidays - Kreshchenie Gospodne, or the Epiphany. At this time into ice water are dipped not only the prepared people, but also those who does it for the first time.

In this connection employees of Central administrative board of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia on ЯНАО reminds all ямальцам bathing rules in an ice-hole.

1. It is impossible to come into water in an alcohol intoxication as alcohol breaks natural thermoregulation of an organism. As, it is not recommended to take cold drinks are will even more strengthen cooling of respiratory ways.

2. Before calling in an ice-hole it is necessary to allow to an organism to get used to an ambient temperature. For this purpose undress and it is a little simple постойте on air.

3. It is not recommended to plunge into water.

4. Stay in an ice-hole should not be long. If you become tempered not regularly, be limited to 1-2 minutes.

5. After an exit from water put on dry clothes, drink warm tea and come into a warm premise.

6. Categorically it is impossible to come into ice water at:
- Disease of heart and vessels;
- Hypertensions in an aggravation;
- Infringements of brain blood circulation;
- Epilepsies;
- Propensities to spasms;
- Inflammations of kidneys and bronho-pulmonary system;
- Problems with a thyroid gland;
- Infectious diseases.

Observing these elementary safety rules, you can secure yourselves against possible troubles.

Take care and good luck!

Самые важные и оперативные новости — в нашем Telegram-канале «Вестник Заполярья». ПОДПИШИСЬ!

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