On Yamal have checked up a condition of ice crossings

On Yamal have checked up a condition of ice crossings
In territory of Yamal inspectors of the Center of the State inspection on small size vessels spend planned checks of ice crossings.
For today in autonomous region 73 ice crossings are maintained. All of them, as show checks, correspond to the established norms, have informed in the press-service of the Ministry of Emergency Measures on JANAO. Nevertheless, according to inspectors, safety of people on ice crossings, depends, not only from quality of an ice crossing, but also from them.

«Starting on the journey, it is necessary for automobile owners to take with itself elementary means of safety: a cord, a shovel and spare warm clothes. During the winter period the thickness of ice on crossings, makes a minimum of 70 centimetres that completely corresponds to requirements in the field of safety on ice crossings. But on water water areas of Yamal where there are no ice crossings an emergency situation it is quite possible. As a rule, accidents on ice occur because of a negligence of owners of vehicles which move down from the prepared crossing, and leave on unapproved places of waterways», – have noted in the Ministry of Emergency Measures on JANAO.

Today, inspectors of Center GIMS assure, movement on accepted to operation to ice crossings completely is safe. But, as employees GIMS mark, from year to year careless automobile owners, on crossings spoil traffic signs, remove protecting marks that represents danger during movement on an ice crossing to a night-time.

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