Within the next few days it will be started winter road Nadym-Salekhard

The day before the special commission has left to Nadym (Yamal-Nenets autonomous region) for check of the device and acceptance in operation of a winter highway Nadym — Salekhard.
The commission has passed on all transit winter road, as extent of an order of 300 km, and today works in Nadym. According to the first deputy of the director of Road management JANAO Maxim Pershikova, work on preparation зимника has been begun beforehand, in December, 2011, however because of rather warm winter established in this year on Yamal, the device winter road went more slowly the usual.
«Movement of heavy machinery on crossings Has been complicated. The thickness of ice on the rivers and the lakes which are on a traditional winter route, did not allow to provide safe journey. Now all works on arrangement of a winter line are finished. Claims to the contractor at us are not present. In the nearest future we hope to open automobile movement on winter road. It will occur, as soon as all participants of the commission will sign corresponding allowing documents» , — Maxim Pershikov has noted.
Let's remind that the device winter road on Yamal is conducted with observance of ecological norms — roads generally are under construction by means of so-called i.e. so that to leave in an invariable kind a vegetative cover of the Yamal tundra and not to damage a moss.
Let's note, winter highways on Yamal have the big social and economic value, providing the message with remote areas. On each winter highway check-points for safety of movement and the account of the cars which are on winter road will be organised.
In total on Yamal three now are already opened winter road district value: the intermunicipal: Urengoy — Krasnoselkup (extent of 132 km); Labutnangi — Muzhi — Azovy — Tegi (extent of 314 km) and Aksarka — Salemal — Panaevsk — Jar-fat (extent of 178 km). Besides it in territory of areas of Yamal also operate also intramunicipal «winter road».
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