On Yamal will open three winter roads

On Yamal will open three winter roads
Three winter highways will be opened on Yamal to the beginning of the next week.

In particular, it is planned to start automovement on the lines connecting settlement Urengoj and settlement Krasnoselkup, village Aksarka and settlement Belojarsk, and also winter road from the South Harampursky deposit to settlement Tolka, — the press-service of the governor of autonomous region informs

A bit later, till January, 10th, will put in operation three more winter highways: Salekhard — Nadym; village Aksarka — settlement Salemal — settlement Panaevsk — settlement Jar-fat; Labitnangi — settlement Muzhi — Hill settlement.

Let's note, the device winter road depends on weather conditions and features of district of those areas of autonomous region on which they pass. So, because of rather moderate colds and marshland to erection winter road, the connecting city of Salekhard and Nadym, this year peoples have started after the usual.

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