About safety on winter road Yamal
In territory of Yamal of an order 23 winter road, 11 of which the municipal annually function. At check-points municipal winter road 25 points of heating are organized and 12 more operate on technological winter road. Heating points are equipped by communication, the saving equipment. There people can be warmed, receive hot drink, the first medical aid.
On winter road district value settlement Aksarka – the city of Nadym, in addition to stationary, is organized and the mobile mobile point of the heating equipped all necessary for rendering assistance to people, suffering disaster on extended winter road operates in a constant mode. Here there are thermoses with hot tea, warm clothes, the medical first-aid set and the equipment for rendering assistance to automobile owners in towage of their cars.
The Central administrative board of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia on YANAO reminds automobile owners what to cause such help it is possible by phone «01» and under number of cellular communication «112». Daily for the autonomous region population in mass-media there passes the information on opening of movement and work winter road and ice crossings. The population needs to watch closely only this information, behind weather conditions and to remember rules of safe travel: if you have got to a difficult situation on a long journey, the main thing not to freeze in expectation of the help.
At overcooling it is necessary to render to the victim first aid which consists in warming by any possible way: to pound a body the woolen rag moistened at 40-50 %-s' spirit, to accept in vodka, but it is no more 50 ml, differently overcooling process it will be accelerated at the expense of an arising relaxation of capillaries of a skin and increase.
As shows experiment, more often and fastest at people feet, hands and the person freeze. It is possible to receive the strongest frostbite in a few minutes. Therefore before a trip it is necessary to think over that you will put on yourselves. Preference give to multilayered clothes. At low temperature even the warmest clothes are capable to keep heat in an organism only limited time. Paramount attention give to warming of feet: use insoles or boot covers which are put on over footwear. And, of course, pay attention to air temperature: the combination of a wind to speed of 10 km/s and air temperatures-5°S on corresponds to an index 20°С a frost, and the wind with a speed of 10 km/s at-25°S corresponds-50°S.
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