The Yamal winter roads will open in January

The Yamal winter roads will open in January
Inhabitants of region will have additional possibilities for autotravel to New Year's vacation.

Arrangement winter roads goes at full speed. Here and there it is necessary to wait a little because of too warm weather – the insufficient thickness of ice on the small rivers stirs the organizations of crossings. In 2011, as well as in previous years, on Yamal will equip about 13 snow lines with extent of 2 100 kilometers. From them four roads in total length of 921 kilometer will serve region.

The maximum speed of movement on winter road – 50 kilometers per hour, a safe load – 25 tons. Time roads should be in the width not less than six meters, through each 500 meters (except for sites over water) traveling for cars is provided.

On everyone winter road which serves region, check-points for safety of movement and the account of cars will be organized. During a bad weather employees of a check point will forbid journey.

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