Operation «Ice crossing» passes on Yamal

Operation «Ice crossing» passes on Yamal
On Yamal operation «Ice crossing» has begun, press-service GU of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia on YANAO informs.

To heads of municipal unions of autonomous region letters with recommendations about arrangement of ice crossings according to requirements of rules of protection of life of people of water objects YANAO, about the organization of control over an exit of people and technics on thin ice are sent, to exhibiting of the notices warning and prohibiting signs.

In December, 2010 carrying out of session KCHS on a safety issue of people on water objects YANAO during the winter period is planned. The preliminary schedule of opening of ice crossings is made, the coordination of schedules of carrying out technical ice crossings with their owners is spent.

In district than 2000 km autoroad the general using on which ice and pontoon-bridge crossings settle down are maintained more. Today GIMS central administrative board of the Ministry of Emergency Measures on YANAO it is accepted in operation of 15 pontonno-roadways of crossings in Purovsky and Nadym areas. In December of this year is planned to accept in operation of 46 ice crossings, in January-February, 2011 — 31 more ice crossing.

Following the results of the winter period of last year in district territory 89 crossings, from them 77 ice and 12 pontonno-roadways were maintained.

Let's remind that last winter of victims on ice crossings of district wasn't, and this winter already two persons was lost.

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