Winter road on Yamal will open earlier

Winter road on Yamal will open earlier
Winter road to Krasnoselkupsky area of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region will open for a month before usual, inform in the press-service of the governor of region.

Press conference on questions of the transport message between settlements of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region during the winter period, developments of the transport scheme of region and prospects of new road building has taken place yesterday, on November, 17th, in department of transport and a road economy. The first deputy of the director of department Dmitry Varakin and the first deputy of director GU communicated with journalists «Management of transport and road economy YANAO» Maxim Pershikov.

The thorny question for the Arctic region during the winter period is a message between the settlements removed from each other.

«Now profiles of winter roads with possible amendments which are dictated by an environment are developed. The future crossings through water barriers are surveyed. Works on roads, on installation on them of necessary traffic signs begin. Contractors are already defined. And on weather conditions winter roads will be put in operation. In Krasnoselkupsky area, let us assume, according to weather conditions this work already actively goes, and in December, for a month before the planned term, the winter road will be opened», — Maxim Pershikov has informed journalists

The main problem of the population of two cities of district — Salekhard and Labytnangi — in inter-season period there is a crossing through Ob.

«Since the moment when the ferry has ceased to work, and till the moment of installation of ice on the river for the organization of the passenger message helicopters have been involved, and with the advent of an ice covering cross-country vehicles on an air cushion have started to work. Now passengers are transported by one cross-country vehicle. The crossing will be organized with a binding to the railway transportation schedule, and in the rest of the time in process of accumulation of passengers. The second cross-country vehicle on an air cushion is in a reserve», — Dmitry Varakin has informed.
As the first deputy of the director of department has explained, movement on a crossing on cars will depend on weather conditions.

«It is necessary for strong ice, that hard frosts kept. On the river Nadym, let us assume, after passage шуги the pontoon crossing is exposed, and regular movement of motor transport renews. The similar situation was and on the river Right Hetta, but the bridge is put in operation, and motor transport movement is carried out smoothly», — he has told.

Concerning building of bridges through the river Nadym and the river Ob around Salekhard and Labytnangi Dmitry Varakin has informed that the engineering specifications are ready, and the decision is accepted that the bridge through Ob will be financed under the federal program of a construction of roads in Russia. The bridge through the river Nadym remains within the limits of regional projects.

«For 2011 we put means for designing of a highway which will connect Labytnangi and settlement Jar-fat through settlement Panaevsk. Also possibility of building of a highway on Krasnoselkup» is considered, — Dmitry Varakin hasn'ted.

The first deputy of the director of department of transport and road economy of district has underlined that all questions connected with the organization of the transport message between settlements of region, ямальцы can set by phone of a hot line of department: 8 (34922) 7-16-78.

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