On Yamal the season of road building has begun.

According to the deputy director of department of transport and road economy YANAO of Dmitry Varakina, during the current year is planned to begin building of a site by extent of 24 km on a highway «Nadym — Salekhard» and to construct an overpass on a highway «Labytnangi — Harp».

Except a lining of roads new bridges are under construction also. So, Surgut — Salekhard (Salekhard — Aksarka) is erected to 1293 km of a highway the bridge through the river Nada-Jaha, by the end of the year it plan to place in operation. Also this year will start a construction of bridge transition in the extent over 3, 7 km through the river Pjaku-Pur.

Also in plans of a roadwork for 2011 — reconstruction over 134 km of highways of the general using of district value, diagnostics of 104 bridge transitions and repair of three bridges.

For maintenance of the transport message of the remote settlements with the centers of municipal areas and a basic network of roads there will be begun working out of the design documentation on highway building «Labytnangi — Jar-fat» with entrances to Belojarsku and Panaevsku.

Will repair and construct roads and in municipal unions. Now municipalities make lists of objects on which major repairs carrying out is required.

On objects of road building the companies for a long time working on Yamal and having experience in the conditions of the Far North are involved.

«The short summer compels the companies comes to work long before approach of the present building season. Therefore already now on a number of objects clearing of platforms of snow, отсыпка a ground and a number of other spadework allowing as soon as will become warmer is conducted, to begin building and repair of highways», — Dmitry Varakin hasn'ted.

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