Joining of two sites of under construction road Nadym - Salekhard has taken place

Joining of two sites of under construction road Nadym - Salekhard has taken place
Connection has occurred on 1266 kilometer of a line (in 25 km from an adjunction to road Salekhard — Aksarka). Builders отсыпали an embankment also have provided journey deep into tundra on 36 km. The first deputy of director GKU has told about it during specially organized press tour «Road management JANAO» Maxim Pershikov to journalists.

«On the first layer отсыпки technological journey to the thirtieth kilometer of a line is provided from Salekhard. Two sites have incorporated from Salekhard. Now the first group of builders continues отсыпку on the passed site, deducing an embankment in working marks, and the second has begun work on a lining земполотна towards Nadym. The average height of an embankment of the future road should make 2 — 2, 5 meters», — Maxim Pershikov has informed.

According to Pershikova, from the beginning of year more than fifty kilometers of a line Nadym — Salekhard: about twenty kilometers from Nadym and about thirty six kilometers from Salekhard.

Road building goes with an advancing of the planned schedule. «This year отсыпать nine hundred two thousand cubic meter of a ground, and отсыпали already one million hundred according to plan should», — the technical director of Open Society "Urengoydirstroy" Peter Konnov has told.

During a press tour to an open-cast mine where sand for an embankment is extracted, the Yamal journalists could reach on motor transport. Last June representatives of mass-media reached this open-cast mine by the helicopter. In immediate proximity from an open-cast mine have established the car-small town and have started erection of the third bridge on a site from Salekhard. This bridge through the river Hozejriena has extent more than 100 m.

According to Peter Konnova, on this site of road will be five bridges. On one of them — through the river Nada-Jaha technological journey is provided. The second and the third now in a building stage.

«Mostoviki have prepared pipes for the device of support and within the next few days will start to piles under the new bridge», — the technical director of Open Society "Urengoydirstroy" has informed.

Let's remind, the general extent of road makes three hundred thirty kilometers. The road is divided into six sites. Now building is conducted on four of them. Дорожникам it is necessary to construct on this line more than fifty bridges. It is planned отсыпать about two millions cubic meter of an earthen cloth this winter and to construct four bridge transitions. Highway building is financed under the program "Cooperation", — the press-service of the governor of Yamal informs.

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