On Yamal bridge building through the river Nada-Jaha has begun.

On 1293 km of a highway Surgut – Salekhard building of the steel road bridge has begun. It will unite a road Nadym site – Salekhard around the river Nada-Jaha. The bridge has 4 flights and length more than 117 m. Building Open Company "Mostootryad-12" contract organization carries out. Planned term of delivery of object in operation III quarter 2011.
During work builders use systems of anticorrosive waterproofing materials, specialized systems for prevention a number of other modern technologies, allowing to provide high degree of protection of environment.
The bridge original project through the river Nada-Jaha has been developed more 10 years ago. Then bridge support have been partially constructed. Further, in the absence of financing, the object has been frozen, and on road the temporary detour operating till now is organized.
Experts of department of transport and road economy YANAO notice that the river Nada-Jaha concerns type of the rivers with a spring high water and high waters in a warm season. Formation наледи in the thickness to 0,30 m in the winter and powerful spring high waters during which time passes to 90 % of an annual drain of water, lead to necessity of preparation of materials for journey restoration on a case of washout of a highway. Annually expenses for these purposes made a 500 thousand roubles order. Besides, the existing automobile detour doesn't correspond to traffic safety requirements. Bridge building as highway parts will provide the reliable transport message between the city of Salekhard and settlement Aksarka.
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