In the city of Labytnangi preparation for Kreshchenie Gospodne

In the city of Labytnangi preparation for Kreshchenie Gospodne
In the city of Labytnangi preparation for Kreshchenie Gospodne orthodox holiday and ceremony carrying out on the river Hanmej comes to the end. Experience in the organization of mass bathing in totals an order of five years, but every year the quantity wishing to visit on a venue of a ceremony and to make increases.

To traditionally prior of the Georgievsky Temple иерею to Andrey help to solve organizational questions experts of management in affairs of civil defense and emergency situations, housing and communal services and transport managements, Open Society "Yamaltransstroy", OMVD Russia on Labytnangi, branches of first aid, passenger motor transportation enterprise "North", workers of branch «Mobile power stations" Labytnangi "and the enterprise serving road — Open Company« Resky — Tyumen ».

Tomorrow, on January, 19th, at 8.30 in Georgievsk the Temple the Divine Liturgy will begin. At 9.50 Andrey will consecrate water in a tanker and all townspeople who can't go on Hanmej, can type the consecrated water in Temple territory. At 10.10 departure to a place will be organized. Now on the river Hanmej workers of Open Society "Yamaltransstroy" prepare two fonts for and a wormwood for a holy water set. As well as last years over fonts the tent will be established. One more tent is intended under man's and female locker rooms which will be warmed up.

For the purpose of safety of people watch of brigades of rescuers and employees of the first help will be organized. Make a ceremony all interested persons can up to 22.00.

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