The investment project of electric power industry

In the City administration of Labytnangi the presentation of the investment program on development of a city electropower complex has taken place. The branch program «Mobile power stations" Labytnangi "of Open Society« Mobile power »is focused on development of networks of an electrical supply. Certainly, the branch and before program working out was engaged in modernisation electric economy. For last 7 years two power units are translated on gaseous fuel. In 2007 the new third power unit which became the investment project first in district in the field of power has been placed in operation. The network economy developed also: 30 kilometres of high-voltage lines are repaired, established 6,5 thousand counters that has provided the electric power account on input in everyone Labytnangi the house. Introduction of the automated information-measuring system, which analogues comes to an end while anywhere in the country is not present. Nevertheless, the enterprise sustains the big losses by transfer of the electric power to consumers, quality and reliability of an electrical supply leave much to be desired.

In a basis of the new investment program end of building of a high-voltage line 35 sq. Introduction of this object in operation has laid down solves all designated problems. For decrease in the cost price of the electric power the branch is ready to construct own branch of a gas pipeline (there is a spare variant — to lease existing). As a whole electric power manufacture on gaseous, instead of on liquid fuel will allow to save an order of 60 million roubles in a year. Reduction of technical losses will lead to economy of an order of 4 million roubles. Besides it building of thermal point for recycling of thermal energy, point of preparation of fuel and the additional electroline conducting to consumers of microdistrict Obsky is required.

The total amount of financing of the program during the period with 2010 for 2015 makes 1 billion 179 thousand roubles. Here some sources, half from which amortisation means make, 24 % - budgetary expenses. Means for technological joinings, credits here will join and the profit put in the tariff for electric energy, thus average annual growth of the tariff should not exceed 5 %.

So, the presentation has taken place. Having received the decision of local governments, branch «Mobile power stations" Labytnangi "will submit to the program consideration in district Service under tariffs.

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